What is Lamprobe?
Lamprobe® is a non-invasive, high energy, radiofrequency treatment used to electro-dessicate, thermo-coagulate, and electro-cauterize various skin lesions on the body. The technology has FDA approval and CE approval and can be used to treat a wide range of skin lesions.
Lamprobe can be used to treat:
- Actinic keratoses – most common sun-related precancerous growth found in fair-skinned individuals. These small, rough, crusty patches are often found on sun-exposed areas such as face, hands, forearms, ears, and scalp. If left untreated, these lesions may develop into skin cancer later on.
- Skin tags – harmless growths that often appear in middle age, typically on the face, neck, and underarm areas.
- Cherry angiomas – bright red or purple papules on the skin caused by abnormal proliferation of blood vessels. These tend to become more prominent with age and are often found on the breasts and body, and can range in number from a few to hundreds. Also known as Campbell De Morgan spots or senile angiomas.
- Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra – a condition of multiple small, benign skin growths that are often found on darker skin types. They are darkly pigmented and found commonly on the face and neck and increase with age. Also known as Morgan Freeman spots.
- Fibromas – benign, usually colourless growths that are often found in skin creases.
- Broken capillaries and spider naevi – small, dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin which often worsen with age, particularly on the nose and cheeks.
- Xanthelasma – soft, yellowish plaques of lipids, slightly raised and found just under the skin in the peri-orbital area around the eyes.
- Milia – small, hard white plugs of sebum usually found on the forehead, cheeks, and around the eyes, particularly in oily skins.
- Sebaceous hyperplasia – benign yellowish dimpled papules on the skin, particularly forehead, cheeks and nose caused by an overgrowth of sebaceous glands.
- Blocked pores, subcutaneous cysts, and acne pustules – the current released by the lamprobe helps to extrude all of the contents of a blocked pore, cyst, or acne pustule.
- Stubborn hairs – the lamprobe works like electrolysis to permanently remove hairs by damaging the hair root. This is particularly helpful in removing blonde or grey hairs that do not respond to laser hair removal.
- Benign moles and sun spots – may be removed using lamprobe.
What does a treatment entail?
Topical anaesthetic may be applied to certain lesions for 15-30 minutes before treatment. A tiny probe which has a radiofrequency electrical current is used to treat lesions. Depending on what is being treated, the probe may treat the surface of the lesion, or it may be inserted into the skin before the current is released. You may experience mild discomfort. Lesions may sting or be slightly raw after treatment. An anti-bacterial ointment such as Fucidin® or Superoban® will be applied afterwards.
How many treatments do I need and how often?
Most lesions require only one treatment. Veins, cherry angiomas, and other vascular lesions may require additional treatments for a permanent result. Hair removal by electrolysis may need to be repeated as permanent removal is dependent on what phase of growth the hair follicle is in at the time of treatment.
Is there pain and downtime?
Most lesions are treated painlessly or with minimal discomfort. Electrolysis and vein treatments are often uncomfortable for the few seconds of treatment. Some lesions may scab afterwards and these scabs can take 1-3 weeks to heal. Rarely, pigmentation changes may occur.
Lamprobe After Care
The area treated may feel irritated; redness may develop and light scabbing may form.
- Make sure you do not pick any scabbing. Premature removal of scabs may cause hyper or hypo pigmentation and/or scarring.
- Using a Q-tip, apply a light layer of Superoban or Aquaphor to the area twice daily.
- Sun protection must be used every day until healing is complete to avoid pigment changes.
- Clean area with a mild cleanser daily, and gently pat dry.
- Do not rub, cleanse with a washcloth, or use any exfoliants or products containing alcohol, retinol, or alpha hydroxy acids for 21 days after the treatment with LamProbe.
- For 48 hours DO NOT use a hot tub, swim in a pool, use a sauna, or steam room.
- Make-up may be applied with a clean makeup sponge 24 hours after LamProbe treatment.